A Hop: Visiting Phoenix, AZ

               I recently went down to Phoenix, Arizona to visit my sister and her family. Her and her husband recently accepted new positions in the area. I am so excited for them to start their lives in a brand-new place! They have three boys, and each member of their family is enjoying it so far.

               In fact, I recently had a conversation with her regarding fall. While I can feel the air getting crisper and see the leaves changing, they are still at 110 degrees. I do not envy them! I went down to visit with them, see their house, and of course fight for a chance at the title of ultimate cannon ball champion against my nephews.

               Phoenix’s weather was a bit of a shock to me. It was hot yet more humid than I was expecting. It was almost like a tropical kind of desert, which was fascinating. It gave me Hawaii vibes in certain areas for sure. I adored being able to comfortably swim in September. Usually, I get a bit too cold while swimming. Yet, Phoenix was perfect with the sun and limited wind… until it rained.

               Rain did not put a damper on our trip though. I always like to take time to enjoy rain or storms. The stormy weather allows a moment to appreciate nature in one of its purest and most beautiful forms. The only time rainy or stormy weather is not my favorite is when I must trudge through the cold without a coat.

               We did so much in Phoenix! Every day was its own little adventure. We visited the aquarium, botanical gardens, and Bosa’s Doughnuts.


               We went in the middle of the day on a weekday, so the aquarium was not crowded. My favorite parts of the trip were the OdySea and touch table. The OdySea is a unique experience—I won’t spoil it for you! It is where you get to learn about sea life from the experts at the aquarium with a unique twist. It is included in the general admission with your ticket.

               The touch table was full of friendly sea creatures you could touch! I loved that while you wandered the table, an employee stated facts about each species. They had a starfish, urchin, anemone, horseshoe crabs, and more. My favorite creature was the anemone. It was soft, slimy, and a bit squishy.

               Another unique feature the aquarium had was a table that demonstrated how water could stop and flow. There was a table at about a knee level for kids to play in, build dams, and try to control how the water would move. My nephew really enjoyed figuring out different patterns in the water.

               Overall, the aquarium was an enjoyable experience. They had so many amazing fish species, water tunnels, and exhibits to interact with or view. Plus, the aquarium was incredibly dry and cool! It is great for those days when it is a bit too hot or wet to wander outside.

Botanical Gardens

               I will just preface this by stating I am a sucker for misty, rainy, moody outdoor activities. It fills my heart with so much joy to experience nature in a soft rain. It makes everything that much brighter. It might have to do with growing up in a dry climate. Yet, even so, wet, and rainy days just possess a little bit of magic about them.

               The botanical gardens had a beautiful drive through desert mountains to get there. Once there you paid at a gate and then were permitted to wander. Most all the plants were vibrant and healthy looking. My two absolute favorite things to experience were the massive cactuses that were taller than a house. The other exhibit was the butterfly portion of the garden. Let me just set the scene for you:

               My mom and I had been drinking in the beauties of the garden for a while. When we decided to traverse the butterfly part of the garden we did not expect to see much. They had other areas for bees and hummingbirds. I understand the plants attract these creatures. However, I expected maybe to see one if any at all. This was not the case!

               The butterfly garden was teeming with monarch butterflies. We went in late September so this might just be a seasonal occurrence. It was stunning to see each butterfly delicately poised on a flower or flittering around the garden itself. They rested ever so gracefully atop each plant. It was so amazing to see the butterflies in a similar position to how the botanical garden’s butterfly sign was placed. I am so happy we were able to experience the butterflies in such a mass quantity. I will remember it always.

               The botanical gardens were beautiful to wander through. I never realized quite how many varieties of agave existed. If you want an outdoor activity that is not too strenuous, I suggest the botanical gardens. The paths were also quite wide and very well paved so they should be accessible for most mobility aids.

BoSa Donuts

               The third and final destination I will be reviewing is Bosa Donuts. I love a good doughnut. BoSa claims to be the best donut in Arizona… and they might be right! Granted, I did not have the opportunity to indulge in other donuts whilst in Phoenix. However, I did not want to.

               The donuts were flaky little clouds of perfection. They almost melt in your mouth in a way. The jelly donut had a decent amount of jam. Usually, jelly donuts are my personal favorite. Yet, Bosa’s Boston cream donut took the winning spot for me. The chocolate was just a tad bitter against the sweet vanilla custard.

               The other item I would recommend from their menu is their iced coffee. It is smooth, creamy, and rich. They have a coffee concentrate that they mix with heavy cream and a flavor if you choose. I chose hazelnut and it was richly sweet and indulgent. The donuts and coffees also come in generous sizes so be prepared.

               The one thing I will add is that when I visited the establishment had carry out options only. They also encouraged masks inside. Please be respectful if you choose to visit and adhere to their business policies. BoSa Donuts will be my new tradition whenever I visit my sister and her family down in Phoenix.

Final Thoughts

Should you visit Phoenix, AZ on your next vacation?

               My answer is yes! They have plenty to for all types of people like outdoor activities, shopping, unique restaurants, museums, and more. I think you have to go at least once if you have the opportunity. After a day of enjoying the botanical gardens and aquarium refuel at BoSa Donuts. Have fun and happy travels!

Have you ever been to Phoenix or another part of Arizona? What are some of your favorite places that you have visited there?


A Hop: Lubbock, TX November Photo Dump & Recap


Canning Traditions: Salsa