Farewell to Summer

               Colder and colder temperatures are slowly creeping in at night. Vibrant pops of yellow, orange, and red gently peak through the trees. The shifting of seasons somehow always manages to surprise me. I always think I will make a note of it. I will myself to take in details, to notice the actual occurrence. Though, the shift is usually always gentle and trickles into an ocean over time. I settle to drink in the final details of summer’s farewell. However, as always, the rhythm of life always seems to overwhelm me.

               A melancholy feeling grows in my soul. There is something so calming and yet a tad saddening about the passage of time. My garden leaves start to droop and eventually shrivel to dust. Though the environment changes from life to death, it is beautiful in its display of change. I feel the cold tickle my skin in the morning. Eventually, the days will stop warming up in the afternoon and remain chilly.

               Though the transition to seasons is a bit saddening, I look forward to the fall. I try to make one final stitch to enjoy the last vespers of summertime. I allow my mind to drift, to desire, and to dream as everything seems to be overtaken by the unfamiliar familiar. I relish in the change, delight that it has come once more. I enjoy being around for the shift in temperature and nature. I feel connected to notice the imaginable and predictable. Though I have experienced autumn every time in my life, it always feels magical to witness. Something inside my soul shifts alongside nature.

               It calms me to know that time passes on, even without my constant measurement. It reminds me I am alive, that moments are precious, and details in life are so rarely celebrated for all they are worth. It assists me in taking a moment to hear the clink of my spoon in my hot cup of coffee. To fully listen as leaves crunch into dust and dance away. Fall is the beautiful, slow death of summer into winter.


Spending a Fall Day with My Sister


A Stop at Cone Stop